Etsy product dimensions: What are item_length and item_weight
Updated Sep 30, 2022
3 min read
Knowing your product’s dimensions and weight is vital for shipping your products. If you use calculated shipping with Etsy you need to provide your product’s length, width, height, and weight. This article covers item length and weight for both Etsy and Shop Uploader.
This article covers:
- What is item_length?
- How to enter item length through Etsy
- How to enter item length with Shop Uploader
- What is item_weight?
- How to enter item weight through Etsy
- How to enter item weight with Shop Uploader
How to add product length and weight to Etsy?
Adding your product's length and weight to Etsy is easy. First, open your listing, then scroll down to the delivery section. If you do not see this section, it is because your listing is for a digital product. Once in this section, however, you will see the Item Weight and Item Size subcategories.
What is item_length?
item_length is how long your product’s packaging is. You only need to provide this information if your product is physical and your shipping profile uses calculated shipping. Etsy uses your package’s length to calculate shipping costs.
How to enter item length through Etsy
To enter your product’s length through Etsy, you must first navigate to the listings page. Once there, find and open your listing. Next, scroll down to the delivery section and locate the Item size (when packed) subsection.
You enter your package’s information into the box labeled length.

How to enter item length with Shop Uploader
The first step to updating your listings on Etsy with shop Uploader is to open your upload template. With this open, find the listing you are editing. Once found, scroll to the right to locate the length column. You enter your product’s length into its corresponding length column cell. Once entered, save your file, then upload it to Shop Uploader.

If you want to update a preexisting listing, enter its listing id into the listing_id column. If you do not, you will make a new listing instead.
What is item_weight?
Item weight is how much your item and packaging weigh combined. You only need to provide this information if your product is physical and your shipping profile uses calculated shipping. Etsy uses the weight to calculate shipping costs.
How to enter item weight through Etsy
To enter your product’s weight on Etsy, you must first navigate to the listings page. Once there, find and open your listing. Next, scroll down to the delivery section and locate the Item weight subsection.
This subsection lets you fill in information for two unit sizes. For our shop, it is lb and oz. If you enter 30 oz, Etsy automatically converts it to 1lb and 14oz. However, Etsy does not auto convert the opposite direction. For example, if you entered 1.5 pounds, you will get an error saying you cannot enter decimals.

How to enter item weight with Shop Uploader
The first step to updating your listings on Etsy with shop Uploader is to open your upload template. With this open, find the listing you are editing. Once found, scroll to the right to locate the weight column. You enter your product’s weight into its corresponding weight column cell. Once entered, save your file, then upload it to Shop Uploader.

Like with Etsy, Shop Uploader does not accept decimal numbers in this column. We recommend using the smallest unit type accepted by your shop. For example, if your weight is 1.5 pounds, enter 24 ounces instead.
If you want to update a preexisting listing, enter its listing id into the listing_id column. If you do not, you will make a new listing instead.
For more information on item\_weight\_unit visit the Etsy product dimensions: What are item_weight_unit and item_dimension_unit article.