How many uploads am I allowed?

Created Nov 18, 2022

1 min read

There are a few categories this question could be asking about. This article covers the most common.

Number of listings

The number of listings you can upload with Shop Uploader depends on your subscription.

The standard plans range from 50 listings a month up to 500 listings a month.

Image showing Shop Uploader's general plans

The business plans range from 1000 to 5000 listings per month.

Image showing Shop Uploader's advanced plans

Contact us about the enterprise plan if you need more than 5000 listings per month.

What is a listing?

A listing with Shop Uploader is the same as a listing on Etsy. The listing includes all variations for your product. So if you upload a product with no variations, that would use up one listing. If you have one product with 70 variations, that would also use up one listing.

Usage (Create/Update)

You will see the “Usage (Create/Update)” section on your account billing page. This section shows how many listings you can create and update for the month.

Below are a few scenarios and how many Create/Update points get used.

Number of Listings Number of Variations Times Uploaded Create/Update points used
1 0 10 10
5 0 1 5
1 10 1 1
5 50 1 5

Note: These points get used when the action column is set to “update”

Usage (Partial Update)

You will see the “Usage (partial_update)” section on your account billing page. This section shows how many listings inventory you can update for the month.

Below are a few scenarios and how many Partial Update points get used.

Number of Listings Number of Variations Times Uploaded Inventory points used
1 0 10 10
5 0 1 5
1 10 1 1
5 50 1 5


These points get used when the action column is set to “inventory” or “partial_update” listing_id is mandatory when “inventory” is selected.

WARNING: partial_update may soon have its own usage tracking. We decided to make the feature available as soon as possible and figure out pricing later.

Number of images

Etsy allows ten images per listing. If your product has variations, you will have more than ten image slots available. With these extra slots, you can enter more than ten images into your template. However, Shop Uploader will only take the first ten images it finds and ignores the rest.

Below is an image depicting how Shop Uploader handles images. The first column is for image_url. The other columns are for image_#.

Image showing how Shop Uploader handles images

Number of digital files

Etsy allows five digital files per listing. If your product has variations, you will have more than five digital file slots available. With these extra slots, you can enter more than five digital files into your template. However, Shop Uploader will only take the first five digital files it finds and ignores the rest.

Shop Uploader uploads digital files in the same manner as images, except it uses the digital_file column.

Note: To upload a digital file, you must set the type column to “digital”

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