Why are my product's dimensions not imported to Etsy?

Created Nov 14, 2022

1 min read

Dimension_unit column

The dimension_unit column indicates the measurement units you are measuring your products.

Allowed measurement units

Etsy accepts the following measurement units:

  1. in
  2. ft
  3. mm
  4. cm
  5. m
  6. yd
  7. inches

Even though these are allowed, Etsy decides which units you are actually allowed to use.

Determing your measurement units

To determine which units Etsy allows for your shop you will need to:

  1. Log into Etsy
  2. Navigate to your listings page
  3. Create or edit a listing
  4. Scroll down to Item Weight
  5. See which units are listed in the boxes

This is what you should see

Image showing item size text boxes on Etsy

You need to select one of the units listed on Etsy for your dimensions to be imported. For us, we can only upload using in or inches. You may need to do some testing on your end to find which units work for you.

Do note, that both your dimension units and weight units have to be correct for the values to appear in your Etsy edit listings page.

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