Create Templates for Shop Uploader

Learn how to generate templates to use with Shop Uploader.

Creating templates

Shop Uploader only supports templates created for Shop Uploader. You will need to generate a template by going to /app/templates/new.

To create a new template, you just need to select what kind of data you want to upload.

For your first templates, we recommend keeping it simple, especially if you’re starting from scratch. Once you are more familiar, you can always update listings and enhance them further with partial updates.

Required columns

The template generator will always include the fewest possible columns.

Do not delete columns from your template. You can hide columns instead. The only way to reduce the number of columns in your template is to choose fewer settings.

There is one exception to this rule. You can delete _underscore_columns. You can delete _underscore_columns, they are all optional. Etsy includes some strange attributes for some categories, I get it 😅.

Physical vs Digital listings

Physical and digital listings have very different requirements. Physical listings will require shipping and return information. Digital listings will require digital files and cannot have variations.

When generating your templates for Shop Uploader, it’s easiest to choose one product type per template. Mixing physical and digital listings will make your template more confusing.

About _underscore_columns

When creating a template you have the option to include category-specific attributes. These are the _underscore_columns in Shop Uploader templates. These columns are generated specifically for the categories you choose to include in your template. For instance, T-shirts have different attributes than Phone cases, so they get different _underscore_columns.

Key takeaways:

  • All _underscore_columns are optional
  • They improve the SEO of your listings
  • They are category-specific
  • Most have a set of allowed values (decided by Etsy)

Allowed values

Most _underscore_columns have a preset list of allowed values. Shop Uploader provides these as dropdown values in your Excel sheet. If a column does not have any dropdown values, you can enter your own values (see “Scales” below).

When using an _underscore_column for creating variations, you can provide custom values beyond the normal presets.

Enter multiple values for one column

Some columns support entering multiple values. You can do this with Shop Uploader by entering comma-separated values. For instance multiple materials can be entered like this:
Cotton, Wool, Burlap

Scales (sizes, weights, etc)

Some columns require scales. This is most common on attributes that refer to the dimensions of a product. For instance the _length requires a scale such as in.

To enter scales with Shop Uploader enter the value and scale, separated by a space like this:
4.5 cm

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